Night Lenses – Children

No Glasses ā€“ No Day Lenses ā€“ No Laser Surgery

Perfect vision for short sighted children ā€“ without glasses, day lenses or laser eye surgery

ā€œPutting my son into night lenses was THE best thing we ever did for him. He pops them in at night, they work while he sleeps, he takes them out in the morning and has perfect sight all day. Off he goes to school ā€“ no glasses on his face, no contact lenses in his eye ā€“ complete freedom.

He has nothing to worry about when he goes swimming or plays sports. We tried sports glasses once when he played rugby which he hated as they were uncomfortable and singled him out.

Prescription goggles are fine until they come off, but he obviously didnā€™t want to wear them on the beach, and glasses just arenā€™t fun on the beach.

night lenses children

Now, as he says, heā€™s ā€˜normalā€™. As soon as he stopped wearing his glasses his head went up, his confidence came back and girls started to notice himā€¦ although he was too shy and being a typical boy not to notice! Night Lenses TRANSFORMED his life. 100%.

As a bonus his myopia (short sight) has stabilised which means heā€™ll now have less risk of eye disease linked to his myopia when heā€™s older. [Learn more about that HERE]. He was on course for not being able to see the top letter of the eye chart, now heā€™ll see most of them. The first day he opened his eyes and looked around with nothing on his eyes my wife and I pretty much cried. He walked around the room saying ā€œLook, I can see that ā€¦ wow, I never saw that on the wall ā€¦ look out the window ā€¦ wowsers!!!ā€.

The lad surfing in the photo on this page? That’s Benjamin, now 18. He gave up surfing aged 12 because he couldn’t see the waves. If any photo sums up the value of night lenses in a child’s life, that does.

Giving him his ‘normal sight’ back was a life moment for us all. Iā€™d recommend night lenses to all parents. Tom, Benjaminā€™s dad. chat | The Burns family

John & Marie (dad & mum) decided to put their 2 boys Marc and Steven (then aged 7 and 5) into night lenses. It was a game changer for them which changed their boyā€™s lives. But not without a few bumps along the road. This candid chat is a must-watch for any parent thinking of putting night lenses onto really young children. chat | Annabel | Iā€™ve been wearing them from age 11

In this chat we talk to 18 year old Annabel who has been wearing night lenses from the age of 11. A great watch for parents of teen girls. Annabel gives her open views for people thinking about night lenses, how she has found them and why she recommends them. chat with Jaimin, Dylan and Kyal

We caught up with the Patel Family ā€“ dad Jaimin who put his two boys Dylan and Kyal into night lenses when they were aged just 7 and 10. 7 years on, the boys and their dad joined us on the sofa for a chat about how it has been and any advice they can give. Dylan and Kyal both love their sports, so youā€™ll hear how night lenses have given them a freedom from glasses or day lenses that have made their sports a lot easier.

Screen stare | Myopia Progression (Short sight getting worse) | Future eye health risks


In the UK we are routinely told by opticians ā€œYour son/daughter has short sight, letā€™s fit them up for glassesā€. As parents we barely flinch. Short sight is common right? Harmless?

However, if they said ā€œWeā€™re sorry to say that your son/daughter has Myopia, a condition which, if not controlled now as a child or in their teens will mean a 40% increased risk of eye disease later on in life and, in the worst cases, an inability to see the top letter of the eye chart when they are your age, or legal blindnessā€ ā€¦ we would sit up and take note right?

Short sight is a casual term for Myopia, which is a condition that can cause eye disease later on in life. High blood pressure is a condition that can cause heart disease. Control your blood pressure and you reduce your risk of heart disease and a heart attack. Same thing here. Control Myopia early in childhood and your children will benefit later on in life. Moreover, uncontrolled their eyesight will get worse. It doesnā€™t need to. It can be stabilised with less screen time, 14 hours outdoors per week and also with night lenses. CLICK HERE to read more about Myopia, Myopia Progression and Myopia Control for your child.

TOP TIP! We all struggle to get our kids to cut down on screen time. If they have progressive myopia, know that screen stare just isnā€™t good for their eye health. On the link above thereā€™s a simple guide to show your kids what they have, to walk through it and chat about it together. Maybe explain it to them in terms of a diabetic and sugar. Excessive screen time isnā€™t good for their eye health in a similar way. A compromise could be instead of watching youtube on their mobile at less than a foot, stream it onto the TV and watch from the normal sofa distance.

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